Entries from 2022-02-01 to 1 month

Russia-backed separatist leaders in Ukraine order call to arms as Biden warns of false war pretexts

Russian-backed separatist leaders in eastern Ukraine ordered a general military mobilization Saturday of all men "able to hold weapons in their hands" as the Biden administration continued to warn that it believes Russia will attack Ukrain…

Hearing being held to decide if US figure skaters get their medals before closing ceremony

The nine U.S. figure skaters who won silver medals in the team event at the 2022 Winter Olympics want to receive their medals before the conclusion of the Games. And they have asked the Court of Arbitration for Sport to make that happen. C…

IOC president Thomas Bach 'very disturbed' by Kamila Valieva's performance

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach said Friday that he was "very disturbed" by Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva's disastrous performance the night before, while also ripping members of her inner circle who did not vi…

Russia expels US diplomat; Blinken speaks at UN 'to prevent' a war: What we know

Russia has sent an American diplomat home from Moscow as tensions remained at a peak Thursday in the conflict over Ukraine. NATO allies accused Russia of misleading the world and disseminating "disinformation" by saying it was returning so…

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva should not have been first in the Olympic

Joe Inman said in a telephone interview with USA TODAY Sports on Wednesday that after watching and re-watching the women’s short program Tuesday from his home in Northern Virginia, he believes Valieva should have been third behind Japan’s …

Joe Biden OKs release of Donald Trump's White House visitor logs to Jan. 6

The House committee investigating the 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol will receive Donald Trump’s White House visitor logs, after President Joe Biden waived executive privilege for the documents. The move will allow the committee to see wh…

'It is time to adjust our approach': Canada to ease entry requirements as COVID cases drop

Crossing the Canadian border is about to get easier for fully vaccinated travelers. Starting Feb. 28, vaccinated visitors will be able to enter with a negative rapid antigen test instead of a molecular PCR test. The change comes as daily C…

'Evil': 9 officers hurt amid shootout where suspect fired on cops trying to rescue baby, Phoenix police say

Phoenix police say nine officers were injured early Friday after a man shot one officer and then continued firing at other officers who responded to the scene at a home. During the incident, the suspect shot at officers as they tried to re…

'Evil': 9 officers hurt amid shootout where suspect fired on cops trying to rescue baby

Phoenix police say nine officers were injured early Friday after a man shot one officer and then continued firing at other officers who responded to the scene at a home. During the incident, the suspect shot at officers as they tried to re…

In call, Biden tells Putin US and allies will respond 'decisively' if Russia invades Ukraine

President Joe Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday that an invasion of Ukraine would result in "swift and severe costs for Russia" during a high-stakes hourlong phone call that failed to ease rising tensions. A senior …

US orders most embassy staff in Kyiv to leave Ukraine amid fear of Russian invasion

The State Department late Friday directed most staff who remain in the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv to leave Ukraine immediately as the White House warns a Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent. The U.S. also ordered the withdrawal of 160 …

Crystal Cruises is reportedly shutting down at least its U.S. operations weeks

Crystal Cruises is reportedly shutting down at least its U.S. operations weeks after an arrest warrant was issued for one of its ships over unpaid fuel bills, according to Bloomberg, Travel Weekly and numerous other trade publications. The…

Super Bowl commercials 2022: Watch all of the Super Bowl ads released so far

As the Cincinnati Bengals and Los Angeles Rams face off in Super Bowl 56, advertisers will spend the game's commercial breaks going head-to-head in a competition for your dollars, coveted social-media buzz and the top prize in USA TODAY's …

Nathan Chen gets gold: U.S. figure skater dazzles to win at 2022 Winter Olympics

For almost four years now, Nathan Chen has been the most dominant male figure skater in the world – a cool, quad-jumping maestro unlike anything the sport has ever seen. He's won national and world championships. Broken national and world …

Jacobellis, the most decorated athlete in her sport

Lindsey Jacobellis is finallygolden, and so is Team USA. Jacobellis, the most decorated athlete in her sport, won gold in women's snowboardcross at the Beijing Olympics. Chloe Trespeuch of France took silver and Canada’s Meryeta Odine came…

Budget airlines Frontier and Spirit are merging: What that means for fares, fees

Frontier Airlines is buying larger rival Spirit, a move the budget airlines say will create a cheap flights powerhouse and more formidable competitor to the big four U.S. airlines. The airlines released few details on Monday's deal beyond …

Olympic athletes slam food, COVID tests and conditions in Beijing quarantine hotels

"My heart can't take it," emotionally crushed Polish speedskater Natalia Maliszewska wrote in an Instagram post. "I'm very pale and I have huge black circles around my eyes. I want all this to end. I cry every day," said Russian biathlete …

Queen Elizabeth II says Camilla should be called 'Queen Consort' when Charles becomes king

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of her accession to the British throne, Queen Elizabeth II issued a message of gratitude to her people and to her family, and said for the first time that her "sincere wish" is that Duchess Camilla of Cor…

USA women's hockey team's blowout win vs. Russia includes two scuffles at 2022 Winter Olympics

Through two games at the 2022 Winter Olympics, the defending champion U.S. women’s hockey team has earned a pair of victories – in very different ways. The first one, a 5-2 win over Finland on Thursday, forced the U.S. to rely on speed and…

木下優樹菜 ブラ?キャミ?露出大でほろ酔い投稿 白ワイン手に

タレント・木下優樹菜(34)が4日夜、インスタグラムを更新。ワインを飲んでほろ酔い気分の写真を投稿した。 24時間で消えるストーリーズを使っての投稿。白ワインを手に、キャミソールなのか、胸元もバッチリのほぼブラジャーに見える露出大の上半身写…

バク転しながら入場「誰だよw」「めっちゃ気になる」 北京五輪開会式、日本選手団にネット驚き

日本選手団は10番目に入場。旗手はノルディック複合男子の渡部暁斗選手と、スピードスケート女子の郷亜里砂選手がつとめた。出席したのは選手13人、コーチら18人の計31人。手を振ったり、飛び跳ねたりする姿もあった。 ひと際注目されたのが、バク転をしてい…


日に行われた22年ワールドカップ(W杯)カタール大会北中米カリブ海最終予選・米国-ホンジュラス戦が問題となっている。 試合はプリシッチ(チェルシー)のゴールなどで3-0で米国が勝利。W杯出場へ大きく前進した。 だが、この試合が行われたのはマイナス1…


FC東京のアカデミー出身の伊東は、日本体育大学を経て2021年に浦安に加入している。 2年目の今シーズンは定位置確保に期待がかかる中、伊藤はカタール・ワールドカップ(W杯)アジア最終予選のサウジアラビア代表戦が行われた1日に自身のツイッターを更新。「…

旗手怜央の代表待望論に戸田和幸氏「十分訴えかけるものが」レンジャーズ戦の“走り”も評価 | スコティッシュ・プレミアシップ

元日本代表の戸田和幸氏がセルティック対レンジャーズの試合解説中に、旗手怜央(セルティック)の日本代表待望論に言及した。 現地2日のスコティッシュ・プレミアシップ第22節(延期分)、2位セルティックが首位レンジャーズをホームに迎えた大一番。DAZNで…

「イナズマ純也」伊東純也4戦連続弾! 森保ジャパン首位サウジ破り7大会連続W杯出場に王手

日本代表(FIFAランキング26位)が、B組首位のサウジアラビア(同51位)との大一番を2-0で制し、W杯カタール大会出場に王手をかけた。 MF伊東純也(28)が1得点1アシストと大活躍。W杯予選では、18年ロシア大会予選のMF原口元気に並び、最多タイの4試合連続…

伊東純也ゴラッソ「イナズマ純也」4戦連発 森保ジャパン首位サウジ破りW杯出場に王手/詳細

<ワールドカップ(W杯)アジア最終予選:日本2-0サウジアラビア>◇B組◇1日◇埼玉ス 日本代表(FIFAランキング26位)が、B組首位のサウジアラビア(同51位)との大一番を2-0で制し、W杯カタール大会出場に王手をかけた。MF伊東純也(28)が1得点1アシストと…


『そろそろ、やせることにしました ほぼ自炊だけで50kg減量した私のダイエットレシピ』2話【全8話】 本格的な夏の到来までに、本当はもう少し痩せておくはずだった…。でも毎日仕事に家事にへとへとで、ダイエット用の食事づくりは二の次になりがち…そんな方…

年4月6日 (水)よりYahoo! JAPANは欧州経済領域(EEA)およびイギリスからご利用いただけなくなります

は欧州経済領域(EEA)およびイギリスのお客様に継続的なサービス利用環境を提供することが困難であるとの判断から、以下の「2022年4月6日 (水)以降もご利用可能なサービス」に記載のサービスを除き、2022年4月6日 (水)よりEEAおよびイギリスからご利用いた…